How Elite Dental Entrepreneurs Forge Powerful Relationships for Monumental Outcomes

Key Insights:

Tim McNeely CFP CIMA
3 min readSep 27, 2023


  • Elite entrepreneurs, those with a net worth exceeding $500 million, master the art of utilizing their networks and the networks of others to achieve substantial results.
  • Identifying and connecting with individuals who have extensive and influential networks is crucial.
  • Providing value within your network is essential to avoid being perceived as a “taker.”

In today’s interconnected society, both personal and professional networks have become more crucial than ever, thanks to the extensive reach of social media platforms. For ambitious dental entrepreneurs aiming to attain true wealth, the ability to cultivate and adeptly navigate these networks can significantly influence their journey to success. Networks are not just platforms for exchanging ideas but are also instrumental in enhancing visibility among influential individuals, opening doors to new opportunities, alliances, and partnerships.

Most elite entrepreneurs excel in leveraging their networks and those of others to amplify their professional achievements and personal wealth. The exciting part is, you can incorporate their strategies to enrich your professional journey and attain true wealth in the dental industry.

Understanding Networks

Studies by experts across various fields suggest evaluating networks based on three criteria:

  1. Sociability: It refers to the number of connections a person maintains.
  2. Connection to Power: It emphasizes the influence level of the individuals within a network.
  3. Expansiveness: It denotes the ability to connect with individuals who can aid in achieving goals.

Three Essential Networking Concepts

  1. Hubs: Individuals scoring high in the above criteria are termed as hubs. Many self-made elite entrepreneurs are hubs who surround themselves with other hubs. To optimize resources, identify and strengthen relationships with hubs, often found in associations and mastermind groups.
  2. The Strength of Weak Ties: Building a vast network of close relationships is time-consuming and impractical. Most hubs maintain relationships with acquaintances, the so-called weak ties, serving as connectors between different strong relationships and enabling access to diverse resources.
  3. The Friend of My Friend is My Friend: Elite entrepreneurs leverage the networks of their close connections, utilizing these bonds as capital to gain assistance from individuals they barely know.

Action Steps

Elite entrepreneurs achieve optimal results by interacting with individuals who possess the resources or connections they need. The process usually involves:

  1. Gathering Information: Identify the relationships and understand how they operate.
  2. Digging Deeper: Explore the organizations, associations, and networks a person is part of and ascertain their level of influence.
  3. Gaining Direct Insights: Understand another person’s network by asking questions about their business, hobbies, and impacts of new laws on them.
  4. Asking for Introductions: Specify whom you want to connect with and explain why, providing a rationale and key talking points.
  5. Bringing Value to the Process: Regularly offer yourself as a valuable resource to maintain a strong network over time.


Your connections and their connections can be pivotal in driving your success and achieving true wealth in the dental industry. By embracing the principles and actions of successful networking utilized by the self-made elite entrepreneurs, you can potentially surpass your goals quicker than anticipated.

Final Thought

Embark on a journey to true wealth by leveraging powerful relationships and networking strategies. Discover more insights and strategies by grabbing a free copy of my number one best-selling book, “Dental Wealth Nation,” at this link.



Tim McNeely CFP CIMA

I help dental entrepreneurs reduces taxes & build TRUE WEALTH so you can THRIVE. Host of The Dental Wealth Nation show | #1 Best-Selling Author